搜索 233
NS42 Lord, I love You more today 新歌
NS415 Lord, I love You more today, than any other 新歌
NS357 Lord, I love You, I'm charmed by You 新歌
LB2 Lord, I love You. Lord, I need You 新歌
NS229 Lord, I love You. Thank You for opening my eyes 新歌
NS304 Lord, I love You; Lord, take my heart 新歌
NS20 Lord, I still love You 新歌
LB18 Lord, I've set my heart 新歌
NS498 Lord, Thou as the living oyster 新歌
NS840 Lord, You Are My Everything 新歌
NS129 Lord, You are Beloved 新歌
NS197 Lord, You are my only goal 新歌
NS1014 Lord, You made a spirit in us 新歌
NS130 Lord, how I thank You 新歌
LB40 Lord, how long 新歌
NS653 Lord, thank You for a new day for me to take You as Lord 新歌
NS109 Lord, there's nothing in this world like You 新歌
NS770 Lord, we praise you for Your life in us 新歌
LB32 Lord, we want to live You 新歌
NS740 Lord, with all my heart I love You 新歌
NS836 Lost Prodigals 新歌
NS972 Love Prevails 新歌
NS958 Love Prevails, Never Fails 新歌
NS896 Loving the Lord with the First Love 新歌
NS989 Luminaries in the Heavens 新歌